Everyday I sit down to write my blog post and I think to myself, and sometimes I say out loud "what on earth am I going to write?" Then I sit and stare at the screen for a while, I rest my chin on my hand for a few minutes and realise that I just have to get on with it and start. Something magical happens then and the words flow onto the (virtual) page and I find myself writing. I write about my day and the thoughts I am choosing and usually something beautiful happens; I find my own words speak to my soul.
I am now intrigued to see what will come from me to the page each day. I remember once reading somebody's wise words, I think it may have been Osho, that we should listen most carefully to the things we find ourselves saying and in particular the advice we find ourselves giving, as it will be most useful for ourselves. When I am having a hard time finding the right good feeling thought recipe, one of the first things I now do is go back over my posts and read one or two of them, whichever most catches my eye. My own advice works the best for me!
I feel a bit like I am riding a good feeling thought wave at the moment, I am on the crest of the wave, gliding along looking at the wonderful view. I feel happy, relaxed and joyful. The world looks beautiful, captivating, awe inspiring.
It has been about ten days since I decided that I would stop eating refined sugar altogether because sugar can compromise the body's ability to assemble essential fatty acids, particularly omega three and six, which are significant in healthy brain function. I have been altering my diet with the intention of maximising my chances of CHOOSING GOOD FEELING THOUGHTS.
I am amazed at the effect of stopping sugar! Over the last week my mood has been extremely level, most days I have felt generally good and strong emotionally. I believe that sugar has been having a detrimental effect on my mental health. I was well aware of the blood sugar crashes which can occur with excessive sugar consumption, but I had not really thought about how it could affect my mood. I think it was partly a refusal to look at it, I had no desire to stop eating that delicious ubiquitous substance!!
I want to be the best I can be, I want to find the highest plateaux my mind can find and rest there, I desire peace in my mind, acceptance, and joy for the life I have found myself living. It feels like simplicity is the way. Clearing all the mental detritus, sweeping out all the cobwebs in the dark corners so that I can experience the real gift of existence.
If I can achieve just a little more peace, make even the tiniest improvement in my happiness then it is worth doing. If you told me that eating gravel could help me to be happy I would probably give it a try! So giving up sugar is no big deal!
I have started to feel confident in my mind, I feel safe, it feels as if any monsters that may have been lurking have either been shown the door or have left of their own accord. I am CHOOSING GOOD FEELING THOUGHTS as a way of life, as a thought process all in itself, it is becoming effortless. Hooray !!!
Today I am Thankful for delicious food
I am thankful for vegetables
I am thankful for fruits
I am thankful for mangos, I love mangos
I am thankful for kiwis
I am thankful for stunning sunsets
I am thankful for spring breezes
I am thankful for this day
I am thankful for my life
I am thankful for cheeses
love Klara.
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