Monday, 2 April 2012

Choosing To Join In With LIfe.


I am feeling quiet today, I can feel the world moving around as if I am at its centre; Me, the central point about which the earth is turning! Of course I am not the centre of the world, but I like the way life carries on whether or not I decide to join in! 
I am feeling sad, and I am so thankful that it is not the all consuming, destructive down-poor of misery which I used to experience in the past, before I made the commitment to CHOOSING TO THINK GOOD FEELING THOUGHTS! 

This sadness is ordinary, it is a response to a happening in my life. I know that what I could be doing is shifting my focus away from the story which has already passed. People who believe in the 'you get what you focus on' philosophy might say that I should shift my focus or I will bring in more sadness for myself to experience, and that may be so! So what do I want? Where would I like my focus to be?

While I am writing this I am imagining that it is so. I would like to be successful with my writing, I would like to make the time to compile my book about my journey of shepherding my thoughts. So my book is written, it is shiny and interesting, I am proud of the words and the chapters and the concepts, I am pleased with what I have done, other people like my creation too, many people share my writing, I have created an inspiring book and I am successfully  publicising it and circulating it to people who benefit from reading it. 

What else would I like to focus on? I am living in a beautiful place in the hills, it is quiet here, I spend a lot of time outside in my beautiful garden, I am growing vegetables and a small orchard, I have chickens. My children are playing in the garden on the swing. I have plenty of space to think and be myself. My house is cosy and it smells of baking. 

I love my visions: I am playing music with my band, we are well rehearsed. We are playing on stage and people are dancing, I feel marvellous, excited, empowered. I love singing and playing my fiddle. The people watching are happy and smiling and enjoying themselves. I love to perform! 

What else do I love? I have created the space to compose, I am writing a new song, it is a song of joy for the world, it is a song of thanks for all the new souls coming in to have a physical experience. I love my new song, I love the music which comes to my hands when I sit and wait patiently for it.......

I am walking in the fields near my house, I am breathing in the soft breeze, spring flowers are shining up to my face, the earth feels warm beneath my feet. The babbling brook sings sweetly to me, I dip my toes into the icy water which has come straight from the hills. I feel refreshed......

My sadness fades when I think of what I would love, at the moment it also returns when I stop. I have work to do to heal my hurts

There is so much in the world to give thanks for, that even when I am sad I can still smile and laugh and enjoy the beauty of the world. I am so grateful that  since I committed to the philosophy that I am not a victim to my thoughts, and that it takes self-will to keep a happy heart, that even when things happen which are unharmonious I am still on the whole happy and joyful.

Today I am Thankful for the visions which fill my heart with joy
I am Thankful for the rest I get when my baby sleeps
I am Thankful when my children give me the space I need to write
I am Thankful for emotional freedom technique 
I am Thankful for all the inspirational writings online
I am Thankful for the bright yellow Forsythia in the next door garden
I am Thankful for todays hazy sunshine
I am Thankful for laughter
I am Thankful for smiles
I am Thankful for my own special talents

love Klara. 

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