Monday, 7 May 2012

Durdle Door!


I have had a really great day today, I woke up and decided that as today is the first day of my new one hundred and twenty day challenge, to fan the flames of joy, that I should mark it by doing something which I really love, so I went with two of my children to the sea side. 

It was raining where I live so we got kitted out for rain, made a packed lunch and jumped in the car and I drove us to a beach called Durdle Door in Dorset. It was a really lovely adventure; there is a long walk down a steep hill to the beach, which is made up of very small pebbles and rising out into the sea is a giant stone archway which people swim around in the summer. My daughter took off her shoes and socks and jumped around in the waves. I took off the baby's shoes and socks too and she felt the sea on her toes and she shrieked for joy! 

We buried my elder daughter up to the waist in the pebbles and sat around in the sunshine, it was sunny at the seaside! Once we had had our fill of the sea, and breathed the fresh sea air into our lungs we headed off back to the car, my daughter set quite a pace and by the time I got to the car I was feeling very happy indeed. Next we went on to see some friends who we haven't seen for quite a few years which was really lovely, and then we drove home. 

So here I am now back home, I have filled my cup with some beautiful memories which I intend to concentrate on for a few days, and whenever I needed something to think about or focus on today I simply thought about the fun I had dancing on saturday night.

I feel excited and pleased, after a couple of weeks of allowing myself to think in a less than joyful way, I have stepped right back up to the challenge of thinking productive joyful thoughts and it feels marvellous. I don't quite know why I allowed myself to sink back into such an ordinary mediocre state of mind, there was very little exciting me there, not a lot went on, I was positively underwhelmed! 

I suppose I needed to spend some more time experiencing what my life is like when I allow my thoughts to have free reign over my mind and my emotions. 

My understanding of life is that perception is everything, the light in which circumstances are viewed can make all the difference to the feelings which result from any situation. I know myself well enough now to understand that when I stop choosing my thoughts and allow them to replicate as they will that the result is generally not a good feeling one. 

So here I am, I have had a really lovely day, and I have returned home to my rather ordinary life, but I am going to concentrate on that which serves me, that which is beautiful about my world, that which is miraculously ordinary; the beauty of the sky, the delightful nature of my children, the joy of singing, the feel of a hot shower, the taste of mangos........ 

Today I am Joyfully Thankful for the sea
I am Joyfully Thankful for old friends
I am Joyfully Thankful for delicious dinners
I am Joyfully Thankful for the sound of the rain
I am Joyfully Thankful for my legs which dance so well
I am Joyfully Thankful for my strong and supple body
I am Joyfully Thankful for my browny-green eyes
I am Joyfully Thankful for my comfy bed
I am Joyfully Thankful for Durdle Door
I am Joyfully Thankful for my night out dancing!

love Klara. 

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