Tuesday, 1 May 2012

A Rampage of Appreciation for Mothers!


Today I am really aware of how life is possible because of our Mothers! I woke up this morning and I thought about what it really means to be a mother, so today I feel to go on a 
Rampage of Appreciation for The Great Mother, My Mother and All Our Mothers.....

I give thanks for the Great Mother, Earth, thank you mother Earth for supporting all our lives, thank you for my life, thank you for the sweetness of the ground upon which I walk, thank you for the rock and stones which supports me, thank you for the food which grows from you and sustains my life. Thank you Great Mother for the soft rain which falls, thank you for the rivers and the oceans which support my life and my ability to have a physical experience.

I give great thanks to Mother Earth for the bounty of life which she supports, I give thanks for the diversity of life which blossoms forth from Her womb, I love Mother Earth, I love Her fields and Her Forests, I love Her oceans, I love Her rivers. Thank you Mother Earth for the glory which I am witness to, Thank you for the sights and the sounds and the smells which are possible because of you.

Thank you Great Mother Earth for the mountains, I love your peaks and your valleys. I am in awe of the mighty power of the Earth, I give thanks for the movements of the Earth, I love that You Mother Earth are alive beneath my feet.

I Give Great Thanks for My Mother, I love my mother, I love your kindness and your generosity. I give thanks for everything you have done for me. I give thanks for everyday that you held me as I grew up. Thank you for carrying me in your womb, Thank you for giving birth to me. Thank you for feeding me, Thank you for loving me. I offer great thanks for all the hours you nursed me while I was sick, I have huge gratitude for everything you have taught me. I love the way you taught me to be kind and generous, thank you for teaching me tolerance, generosity and selflessness. Thank you for teaching me to look after myself and thank you for showing me how to live in the world.

I give great thanks for my mother for tolerating and loving me when I have behaved in unharmonious ways, thank you for forgiving me.
 I give thanks for your humour, I give thanks for your laugh and your smile. Thank you for your dedication to my life. Thank you for singing through my childhood, thank you for teaching me to sing. Thank you for showing me how to show my love. Thank you for all your knowledge, thank you for caring for me through all of my days, I give thanks for your attention to my great well being. Thank you for being my mum.

I give great thanks for All Of Our Mothers, thank you mothers for carrying the next generation in your wombs, mothers you are amazing! Thank you mothers for giving birth to everyone in your myriad of ways, thank you for bearing the sensations of childbirth with a smile, and thank you for doing it again and again. Thank you mothers for letting your daughters know that they can give birth too.

Thank you mothers for all the love you show to all our children, thank you for your care and kindness. I give thanks for all the mothers for feeding the children, for nursing the children at their breast, for the nurturing love which is passed through the mothers milk. I give thanks for the protection mothers offer to their children from harm, I give thanks for all the selfless acts which mothers do everyday.

Mothers I love you, mothers I salute you, mothers you are wonderful beings. I give thanks for all the mothers who know that they are mothers and for all those who mother without knowing. I give thanks for all the mothers who mother other people's children throughout their lives. Mothering is amazing, mothering is wonderful.

I give great thanks for all the mothering which happens all over Mother Earth. Thank you mothers for your generosity, thank you for your love, thank you for your gift of life, thank you for your gift of care.

                         Hooray for My Mother, I love you
                           Hooray for all the Mothers, I love you
         Hooray for The Great Mother Earth, the Mother of all   
                                     Mothers; I love you.

Thank you Great Mother for Showing Us How to 

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